Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli - Arastirma Dergisi, vol.50, pp.243-260, 2009 (Scopus)
In this study, the relationship between Janissaries and the Bektashi order has been examined. The relationship in question was previously mentioned in some independent scientific articles written about the Janissaries or the Bektashi order. Here, the origin of the relationship under consideration has been determined by using the Ottoman resources. For example, how this relationship was reflected in the initial Ottoman chronicles? Was any money transferred to Bektashi lodges from the incomes of foundations established by Janissaries? If so what was its potential? How was this relationship reflected in the janissary law-books or janissary muster roll? While doing this, Ottoman chronicles and documents such as foundation certificates, Janissary muster rolls firmans, imperial orders and the foundation records which can be obtained from the Prime-ministry Ottoman archive were used.