Sal-seri, the main actor in traditional Kazakh theaters Kazaklarin geleneksel ti̇yatrosunun baş aktörleri̇ Sal-seri̇ler

Adiyeva P. M., Turan F. A.

Milli Folklor, vol.12, no.100, pp.202-212, 2013 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 12 Issue: 100
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Journal Name: Milli Folklor
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.202-212
  • Keywords: Cultural memory, Oral tradition, Performer of oral tradition, Sal-seri, Traditional theater
  • Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University Affiliated: No


Every nation has its own cultural characteristics and bearers of culture. In all countries, traditions and customs are transferred from generation to generation as the people's moral and aesthetic values. The elements of material and spiritual culture which are transferred through oral traditions are survived by being coded in cultural memory. As a result of the repetition of these cultural elements, it prepares the ground for the creation of collective memories and consciousness in societies. In this research, a detail study of the presence of Sal-series in no other than Kazak nationalities and their inexistence in other Turkish communities and the practices that also sustain an art which is commonly seen in the Kazakh societies between the XVIII and XIX century have been presented. It has also shown their ability to live up to a century by considering all aspects of their origin, mission and life styles. The Sal-seri who is the representative of the oral poetry tradition and cultural memory owners is also a major actor in the Kazakh traditional theater. In the Kazak language, Sal-series are percieved as persons who are excitative, entertaining, chatty and peoples with extraordinary means of dressing. The task of Sal-seri which is to be a hero soldier in the army then continues with different missions when he returns to public. The Sal-seri who possesses a special status among the people with his dresses and performances enjoys reputation and special attitude of community that are different from those expressed to other people. Sal-series also have some similarities and connections with Anatolian traditional public storytellers in their poems and performances. İn this research, some examples the lives and poems of Bashen sal, Birjan Sal and other sal-series have also been highlighted.