SOSYOEKONOMI, vol.32, no.59, pp.453-474, 2024 (ESCI)
This study examines the tax effort performance of countries based on club convergence
analysis. The study defined tax effort as a ratio of tax revenues to gross domestic product, and the
estimation equation was analysed to converge countries in OECD and sub-clubs. According to the
results of the estimation equation used for 34 OECD countries, although there is no statistically
significant relationship between tax effort and the informal economy, it has been seen that the informal
economy variable affects the tax effort for Club 4 countries where Türkiye is located. In addition,
Denmark ranks first and Türkiye 24th in the tax effort ranking that considers OECD countries. In the
ranking made for the club four countries, Israel is in the first place, and Türkiye is in the 4
th place.