EMakalat Mezhep Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol.13, no.2, pp.451-480, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The Alevis/Kızılbaş and Bektaşis, two ofthe most prominent religious groups ofthe Ottoman dynasty, in modern times,have unusually come to be called theAlevi-Bektaşis. This way of use gives theimpression that these two religiousinstitutions as though reflect the samegroup of people despite differences inhistorical development and growth. Withthe influence of the popular writings ofFuad Köprülü and later Irène Mélikoffmuch of the current scholarship held tothe belief that these two entitiesoriginated from the same root, the Bābā’īmovement. While acknowledging thehistorical connection between the twogroups, few scholars have taken aninterest in clarifying how and when suchan association started. This article aimsto uncover the historical link of the AleviBektaşi alliance. It further explores thepossible benefits that the two entitiesobtained through their interaction withone another. It will then focus on howthe two have affected each other’sreligious stance. In doing so the followingquestions will guide this research: Howand why did a Sufi order, recognized andadvocated by the Ottoman state, comeinto contact with a harshly criticizedreligious group which was identified asan enemy to the Ottoman unity? How didthe Kızılbaş-Bektaşi interaction affecthe social, political, and religiousexperience of the Kızılbaş over the courseof its transformation into the Alevi beliefsystem? In what sense did both sidesbenefit or not benefit from such a link?