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Bismildina D., Myrzabekova M., Nurzhanova A.
InterConf, no.45(201), pp.281-289, 2024 (Conference Book)
Publication Type:
Article / Article
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Journal Indexes:
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
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Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University Affiliated:
In this article, the history of the formation and development of the languages of peoples of Turkic descent develops in close connection with the history of the people who speak that language, and about the work «Diwani Lugat-at-Turk», which is a dictionary and encyclopedic heritage of the scholar M. Kashkari, who was the first to study Turkic languages, compiled from the common words of Turkic peoples. , as well as an overview of the studies of Turkic-scientists comparing and grouping Turkic languages and determining their genetic connection. In addition, this article describes the common linguistic elements in the vocabulary of the Kazakh language, which belongs to the Kypchak-Nogai group of the Kypchak group, and the Turkish language, which belongs to the Oguz-Seljuk group of the Oguz group; similar words in the Kazakh and Turkish languages are grouped by word class and meaning, and their sound differences are proved by examples; It is said about words introduced into the Kazakh-Turkish languages from the Arabic-Persian languages.